Senin, 26 Agustus 2013

Harga Diri vs. Gengsi

Dalam tiga hari terakhir ini Tuhan telah mempertemukan saya dengan orang-orang yang sangat luar biasa! Selama tiga hari berturut-turut, setiap hari saya bertemu dengan begitu banyaknya orang hebat. Apa yang terjadi?
Hari Kamis dan Jumat kemarin ini saya menghadiri Prudential Agency Convention. Di sana saya melihat begitu banyak orang yang begitu besar, begitu sukses, begitu cerdas, dan luar biasa rendah hati. Dalam dua hari itu saya banyak belajar mengenai kepemimpinan sejati.
Dan kebetulan manager saya baru saja pulang dari konferensi leader di Korea. Beliau termasuk ke dalam 50 leader terbaik di Indonesia, 200 leader terbaik di seluruh Asia (dan karena Asia saat ini memimpin perekonomian dunia, bisa dibilang 200 leader terbaik di Asia adalah 200 leader terbaik di dunia), dan yang lebih hebat, juga sebagai leader  termuda di antara 200 leader tersebut. Leader saya memang luar biasa! Tepuk tangan untuk leader saya.
Jadi, karena selama empat hari terakhir ini saya terus bersama leader saya, dan beliau baru saja mendapat kesempatan untuk bergaul dengan leader-leader tingkat dunia, maka saya pun kecipratan ilmunya, karena ia sharing banyak ilmu yang didapatkannya selama di Korea.
Lalu pada hari Sabtu saya menghadiri acara peresmian House of Perempuan (untuk keterangan lebih lengkap mengenai House of Perempuan bisa dilihat di account twitter @hoperempuan). Di acara itu saya melihat begitu banyaknya wanita yang begitu cerdas, tangguh, mandiri, kreatif, berani, dan tidak melupakan kodrat mereka sebagai wanita.
Ilmu-ilmu yang telah saya dapatkan dari orang-orang hebat di atas selama empat hari ini akan saya coba untuk tuangkan di dalam post-post selanjutnya. Tapi yang pertama akan saya bahas dari pengalaman selama empat hari ini adalah pelajaran yang saya dapatkan mengenai harga diri dan gengsi.

Orang sering salah kaprah mengidentikkan harga diri dengan gengsi. Kadang orang berpikir yang gengsinya tinggi merasa bahwa harga dirinya sangat tinggi, karena itu ia gengsi. Kadang juga orang yang gengsinya tinggi dianggap harga dirinya tinggi oleh orang lain.
“Ngapain minta maaf duluan? Ih, gengsi! Mau di ke manain harga diri gue?”
“Dia lah yang harus nyapa gue duluan, gengsi kali gue harus nyapa dia duluan. Mau di ke manain harga diri gue?”
“Gila aja gue udah sekolah tinggi-tinggi disuruh kerja kaya gitu, gengsi! Mau di ke manain harga diri gue?”
“Harga diri, men! Harga diri!”

Apa sih sebenarnya harga diri? Seperti apa sih sebenarnya orang yang benar-benar menghargai dirinya sendiri? Dan gengsi itu apa sih sebenarnya?

Dilihat dari arti katanya ‘gengsi’ adalah bagaimana cara seseorang mengapresiasi dirinya dengan melihat interaksi orang lain terhadap dirinya. Gengsi sangat dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor eksternal seperti materi, jabatan, prestasi, status social, dan sebagainya.
Factor utama dari gengsi adalah bagaimana penilaian orang lain terhadap diri. Orang bisa membeli tas bermerk, fitness di tempat mahal, melakukan hal-hal tertentu, berteman dengan orang-orang tertentu, bahkan pacaran dengan orang-orang tertentu, hanya karena gengsi. Orang bisa melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu karena gengsi.
Gengsi ini erat kaitannya dengan ego atau keakuan. Orang yang sangat memikirkan gengsi senang sekali ketika menjadi pusat perhatian. Ketika orang lain menghargai, mengapresiasi, maka akan menimbulkan kebanggaan terhadap diri.
Orang yang memikirkan gengsi akan terus membanding-bandingkan diri dengan orang lain, dalam konteks negatif. Bila melihat orang lain yang dianggap lebih hebat, orang yang gengsi ini akan iri atau merasa rendah diri. Sementara bila melihat orang lain yang dianggap kurang hebat, ia akan menjadi sombong dan ingin terus memamerkan kehebatannya.
Kadang saya melihat atau mendengar keluhan seperti, “Ah, gue nggak pede nih, yang lain pada cantik-cantik banget.” Atau “Gue minder, temen-temen gue lulusan S2, S3, gue cuma lulusan SMA.” Atau “Wah, mereka kan orang-orang kaya, kayaknya nggak pantes gue bergaul sama mereka, takut nggak nyambung.” Atau cerita seperti, “Dulunya gue nggak pede karena badan gue terlalu kurus, sekarang gue jadi pede setelah punya badan atletis.” Atau “Dulunya gue nggak pede karena gue miskin banget nggak punya apa-apa, sekarang gue jadi pede karena sudah sukses dan kaya.” Dan sebagainya.
Jadi sebelum mereka mencapai standard tertentu, mereka belum bisa menghargai dirinya sendiri.
Dan seringkali, hal-hal yang ditandingkan sama sekali bukan hal yang penting. Contoh paling gampangnya dalam hal pacaran: siapa yang pacarnya lebih cantik, siapa yang pacarnya lebih kaya, siapa yang punya lebih banyak pacar, siapa yang nembak duluan, siapa yang memutuskan hubungan. Hal-hal itu tidak penting, tapi begitu penting bagi gengsi seseorang.
Bisa kita katakan bahwa gengsi sebenarnya adalah harga diri semu.

Harga diri
Yang saya lihat dari orang-orang di sekitar saya dan di luar sana, justru harga diri selalu berbanding terbalik dengan gengsi.
Orang-orang yang sukses dan berhasil adalah orang-orang yang punya harga diri tinggi. Dan berdasarkan pengalaman saya sendiri, bertemu dengan berbagai orang hebat sepanjang hidup saya, orang-orang yang harga dirinya tinggi itu biasanya sangat rendah hati. Mereka sama sekali tidak peduli pada gengsi.

Harga diri memiliki makna yang berbeda. Menurut buku ‘If Life is a Game, These are the Rules’ yang ditulis oleh Cherie Carter-Scott, harga diri adalah bagaimana kita menerima dan mensyukuri diri kita.
Ketika kita memiliki harga diri sejati, kita tidak peduli lagi pada pandangan orang terhadap diri kita. Kita tahu apa yang ingin kita lakukan dalam hidup, kita punya tujuan-tujuan yang jelas, dan karena itu, pandangan orang lain terhadap diri kita tidak lagi penting.
Harga diri sejati datangnya bukan dari luar. Bukan karena orang-orang memuji kita cantik, ganteng lalu kita jadi menghargai diri sendiri. Bukan karena kita punya prestasi akademis, gelar pendidikan, jabatan yang tinggi, kekayaan melimpah, pasangan yang bisa dipamerkan, status social terhormat, atau hal eksternal lain.
Saya melihat begitu banyaknya orang yang hebat, berbakat, berprestasi, sukses, kaya raya, namun sangat rendah hati. Biasanya, semakin kaya seseorang, ia semakin rendah hati. Semakin berbakat seseorang, ia semakin rendah hati. Semakin sukses seseorang, ia semakin rendah hati. Orang-orang yang sudah sukses, kaya raya, dan mendapatkan pengakuan biasanya tidak suka memamerkan apa yang mereka punya. Mereka biasanya lebih sering mendengar orang lain bicara daripada sibuk membicarakan kehebatan diri sendiri.

Justru orang-orang yang kurang percaya diri, biasanya sibuk membanggakan diri sendiri. Mengapa? Karena mereka merasa rendah diri. Mereka berpikir bahwa, kalau bukan mereka sendiri yang menceritakan kehebatan mereka, siapa lagi? Tidak jarang orang-orang yang rendah diri ini sebenarnya sudah hebat. Tapi mereka ragu apakah kehebatan mereka diakui orang lain.
Sebenarnya, orang-orang yang kita anggap, kira, tuduh sombong, adalah orang-orang yang kurang percaya diri. Seringkali kita mendengar kata-kata “Gue itu sebenernya pemalu. Makanya orang kalo belum kenal suka ngira gue sombong.”
Bahkan mungkin saja kita salah satu orang yang pernah mengakui hal itu.
Saya sendiri termasuk orang yang pemalu di lingkungan baru, dan mungkin saja orang di sekitar saya merasa kalau saya sombong. Dulu saya orang yang sangat tertutup, tidak mau bergaul. Apakah harga diri saya tinggi? Tidak. Justru harga diri saya rendah. Orang yang harga dirinya tinggi pasti penuh percaya diri dan supel dalam pergaulan.

Harga diri sejati adalah saat kita menyadari bahwa diri kita sejak awal sudah berharga. Saat kita menghargai diri sendiri, kita akan malu untuk melakukan hal yang buruk atau salah, dan kita akan selalu menuntut diri kita untuk melakukan hal yang baik dan benar. Harga diri kita terlalu tinggi untuk mencuri. Harga diri kita terlalu tinggi untuk berbohong. Harga diri kita terlalu tinggi untuk berkhianat. Orang yang menghargai dirinya akan selalu berbuat kebaikan.
Harga diri sejati datangnya dari dalam. Bagaimana kita tidak perlu menunggu kekayaan dan kesuksesan untuk menghargai diri kita sendiri. Justru karena kita menghargai diri sendiri, kita akan merasa bersyukur dengan diri kita, menghargai apa yang kita punya, termasuk pasangan kita. Dengan menghargai diri sendiri, kecantikan pun akan terpancar dari dalam. Karena itu ada yang namanya ‘inner beauty’. Dengan menghargai diri kita sendiri, kita akan bisa memaksimalkan potensi-potensi yang ada, dan secara otomatis, kekayaan dan kesuksesan pun akan datang dengan sendirinya.

Salam sukses untuk kita semua!

Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013

I’m Against Criminal Rehabilitation

These days I’ve been hearing some sad incidents, again, and again, and again. Well, here it is, the sick society. I’ve heard about the jail breaker, cops murdered, and rapes are everywhere. The last thing I heard about rape, a teenager raped a housewife in her house or something. Ew!
And you know what annoyed the hell outta me? People’s sympathy for those criminals. Why, people? Why? Seriously!
So I wrote this down just to share my opinion, my point of view, that’s all. I wanna share this so that I don’t need to keep this just for myself. It’s torturing, keeping an idea, isn’t it? You can agree or disagree with me but I will stop talking about it as I’ve published this post. So, here it is, my point of view of criminality and punishment.

I’m gonna talk about three criminals: murderer, rapist, and robber. I don’t think those three criminals deserve forgiveness. They deserve punishment. No mercy.
The first is murderers, those who’ve taken people’s life. I’m not talking about killing someone because she/he’s been killing the loved ones, killing someone for defense, or killing someone because you’re an executor for death penalty. In fact, I do think that those kinda killings are very nice to do, or at least, very proper to do, not wrong. If I could, I’d kill someone who tried to rob me, to defense myself.
So I’m not talking about those kinda killing. I’m talking about the cold blooded murderers who can take someone’s life for no reason. They who take someone’s life just because they wanna take the victims’ money; or they who take someone’s life just because of jealousy; or they who take someone’s life just because of their pride being hurt; or they who take someone’s life just because they were drunk and angry; or just because they’re psychopaths. Arrrhhh! It pissed me off!
The second is rapists. Do I need to explain to you why do I hate the rapists? Why do I want them to be punished? Should I explain? They rape! They rape, people! They rape someone’s daughter, someone’s sister, someone’s mother! Can you imagine? Can we forgive them? Hello! Guys, wake up! They’re rapist!
And the third, robber. Well, by robber, I mean everyone who takes, steals, other people’s money and valuable belongings. This one is mostly forgiven by most warm-hearted people. They said, “Ah well, they’re poor… Let’s just forgive them.” Or “They just steal a cow. We don’t even punish the ones who’ve stolen billions (rupiahs/dollars/euro/you name it).” Or “Oh let them be, it might be for their children who need food.” Guys! They steal! They’ve taken people’s valuable things, that’s it.
Some people say, “Ah, how unfair! A man steals a motorcycle and he’s burnt to death, and the corrupters are still free out there.” So what do you suggest? Let’s just forgive the motorcycle’s stealer? For you it might be only a motorcycle. But for the owner, it might be his most valuable thing. Imagine what he’s done to earn enough money to buy that motorcycle. The solution is not to let both the corrupter and the motorcycle stealer free, but to catch, punish, torture, kill both the corrupter and the motorcycle stealer.
Now I’ve seen some ex-murderers, ex-rapists, and ex-robbers/burglars/whatsoever. They said they were sorry. They feel guilty for what they’ve done. And then most people forgive them, and believe God must have forgiven them too. Well, yeah, I do believe God does forgive, but I also believe they’d still be punished for what they’ve done. So it’s punish and forgive, not only forgive. Because God is not only forgiving, but also fair, right?
So let’s say this ex-criminal has been ‘enlightened’. He became a ‘good guy’. He’s helping people, he’s happy now, he has accepted his past and has a peaceful life. My question is: will he let his victim to pay some revenge to him? Will him? What do you think?
Let’s say, someone once killed a man, a young man with bright future, maybe was the hope of his family. That young man was killed by a cold blooded murderer, maybe the murderer killed him just to rob his wallet. His family lost him forever. The murderer went to jail, had some food, some place to sleep, so much better life than before he killed someone. Then he felt enlightened. He felt sorry, he felt guilty, and because he acted well, he got remission. He got outta jail. He thought he’s a different person. People thought that he’s a different person. He started a business; he earned some money, live peacefully. Then the family of the young man who’s been killed came to him. Let’s say the father of the man wanted to kill the murderer of his son. Will the ex-murderer, the ‘enlightened’ murderer let him? I don’t think so.
Those ex-criminals would say, “I’ve chose to forgive myself. I deserve my second chance.” They feel too good about themselves they wouldn’t let anyone make them believe that they are still guilty to their victims. They’ve made some destruction in some lives. But it’s the victims’ choice, isn’t it? Okay. Now let’s forget about the Lapindo victim? Let’s tell them to forget the past and start the new life? Let it be?
If the criminals really think that they’re guilty, they would be no pleading of remission! There would be no protests over the overloaded capacity in jail. They would be no prisoners asking for their right! Right? Are they kidding? They’re criminals! They’ve taken other people’s right! How could they ask for their right?? What a sick… pff… okay, starting to be too emotional here.
See what happened when we tried to rehabilitate criminals? They'd think they deserved even more hospitality.
Solution for prison overloaded capacity issue: kill some prisoners! D'oh!
“But my religion taught me that God is forgiving, not punishing,” said someone whose religion believe in heaven and hell. D’oh! What about my religion? Is my God not forgiving? My religion also taught me that God is forgiving. But God is also punishing. Or else, why would there be a hell?
No, it’s not about God is forgiving them or not. It’s not about God at all. It’s about the message we can send to the society. What would this society be if there is no punishment? What would this society be, if every criminals can be forgiven and have beautiful life after what they’ve done. Those poor bastards would think, “Hey! I’m gonna rob someone! Maybe I should also kill the person. So I can go to jail, I’m gonna have some food there, I’m gonna have something to sleep at night, I’m gonna have electricity, they’re gonna teach me life lessons for free, then I’ll have knowledge of how I should build my life, then I’ll be a good person, maybe I’ll be a hero someday.” Great idea, huh? What do you think?

So yeah, I hate murderers, rapists, and robbers. There, I’ve said it out loud.
Every murderer, rapist, and robber should be burnt alive. They should be tortured to death. No, I have no sympathy, why should I?
Yes, I might forgive. I will forgive for the sake of my sanity. I will forgive for the sake of my life efficiency. But it doesn’t mean I’m against their punishment. I’ll still support their punishment. I’ll still think that they deserve to be punished. Why? Because I care about other people. I don’t want those criminals to do what they’ve done to another victims. Because if we don’t punish the criminals, there will be no law! They would be free to do anything they want: rape, kill, rob people, steal. There’s no punishment anyway!
And what more ridiculous is, those who have sympathy for the rapists, murderers, and robbers, are against corrupters. Come on! Whoever against death penalty, whoever supports forgiveness, I ask you now, can you forgive the corrupters?

Imagine a corrupter, he corrupted, A LOT, he became very rich, happy, spoiled his children with money, then he felt fulfilled, and decided to change. He asked for forgiveness, he felt really sorry about what he’s done, he cried, “I’ve corrupted, but I couldn’t do anything to change my past. Please, forgive me!”
Let’s just forgive the corrupters? Let’s just forgive the activists murdering? Let’s just forgive the terrorists. How does that sound, huh? Can we forgive them? Let them be? Yeah, I don’t think so. Stealing is stealing, robbing is robbing, no matter how much the amount was. Murdering is murdering, no matter the motives are.

So what do I suggest? I suggest that we just have to give them death penalty, right away, no procrastination. There will be two possibilities: they’re forgiven by God, or they’re not forgiven by God. If they’re forgiven by God, then they’ll go to heaven anyway. If they’re not forgiven by God, then why should we? No procrastination, just execute them, give them to God.
We will not have problems with jail capacity, lack of electricity, lack of food and blah, blah, blah. Who cares? They’re criminals for God sake!
Okay, you can say “We are all criminals.” We cheat, lie, smoke, envy, gossip, etc, etc… right? Well, I’d prefer be cheated than be killed. I’m pretty sure those fathers would prefer their daughters be cheated than raped.

And btw, you know what? I am a criminal. I’m not perfect, I’m not an angel. I’ve done bad things too. But if I’ve done something bad to you, go ahead, punish me. I might be sad, angry, miserable, but I deserve it, don’t I? I’ve never killed, raped, or robbed anyone, and I will not do so. I’m not saying that I’m better than those criminals. I’m just saying that they deserve the punishment, as I deserve mine, that’s all.
I will not waste my time thinking about this problem. But if I have to vote, I’ll vote against criminal rehabilitation. I’ll vote for criminal punishment. I’ll vote for death penalty for everyone who takes people’s life, who rapes, and who steals and robs. I will not have sympathy for them. If they have accident, if something terribly bad happens to them, I will be glad. I won’t waste my time and energy to be angry to them, but I’ll be glad to watch their misery. When something bad happened to them, I would not say “Sorry to hear that” to them. I’d say “You deserve what you deserve” instead.

Finally done this article. Ahh, now I feel relieved.

Selasa, 06 Agustus 2013

Passion of Happiness

I care about people happiness.

I believe in being happy.

I want people to be happy with their life, their job, their condition, their family, their environment, their identity, themselves. I want people to be happy about how they look. I want people to be happy about how they think and how they see the world. I want people to be happy to learn.

I want people and me, to share our ideas, but not forcing it. We don’t have to agree with each other, but don’t push people too far, not to the point that we’d kill each other for the sake of ideas.

Like it or not, we will always grow, one way or another. We will always chase something in our life. It can be knowledge, it can be money, it can be love, it can be heaven, it can be justice, it can be world peace…, it can be anything. You can’t force people to look for love if it’s not what they care.

Someone told me that each people have their own portion in life. We are different, but are one. When we do whatever we do, or don’t do whatever we don’t, we move other people to do whatever they do, or don’t do whatever they don’t, and it starts the chain of movements, and it moves the whole world.

Even if we do the same thing over and over again, and make no improvement in any aspect of our life, we’ll grow a record, we’ll grow an identity. Like that man who makes Soto in my high school cafeteria. He’s been making Soto since… forever. People change, but not him. He doesn’t change, but people around him know him as the Soto maker. People do things while witness his career as Soto maker. Not just people around him, but people around people around him, and those people around people around people around him. 
Every Pembangunan Jaya High School students and alumni knows him, and some will tell about him to some groups of friends. Just like me now, telling about him on my blog. :p

So what do I do in my life? I’m learning about things I care about. I share ideas. I share what I believe. Then maybe some people don’t agree with me. And let’s welcome their disagreement. It’s just beautiful.

I do my best, God helps me with the rest, and I’ll just enjoy the progress.

So people, thank you for fighting for your idealism. But don’t be too upset about the results. Everything happened happens for a reason anyway.

Don’t be upset about others’ ignorance. And remember, it’s not ignorance. They just have something else to care about. And there’s nothing wrong with it. There are too many things to be care about. While you force people to care about what you care, it’s impossible that you care about what they do care.

And I’m gonna have to say this quote from Mary Engelbreit*: “If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it.”

Happy life people! Cheers! :D

*world renowned artist and illustrator