Kamis, 17 Mei 2012

The Dreams Journal: 1, 2, 3

The Dreams Journal 1:
May 16
So I really meant to write my dream in detail. But the problem is, when I woke up, I can't remember the detail anymore. The point of the dream I had in my sleep at night before this day is, I was in adventure or something. The people keep changing, the setting keep changing, the condition and mood keep changing, until finally me and my adventurous friends got to find something beneath a bunch of... darn I can't even remember about the thing. But, beneath the bunch of thingy, I finally found what... sorry, we finally found what we were looking for: a diamond and a snake. A cobra. I forgot why should I find the snake. Wait, I think the bunch of things was a bunch of golden jewelry and coins. And the diamond in my dream didn't look like a real diamond, but something diamond-shaped, like in the card game, and it looks like made of bronze. Weird.

The Dreams Journal 2:
May 17
About the dream I have at night before this day, I also already forget most of the dream. The only thing I can remember, I was in a department store with some friends, and we were playing too much, we made a noise too loud, and suddenly my manager, Dana told us to stop making noise. Then we were in Japan, I don't know why. I think, in my dream, he was still in Rome, and I need to meet him to discuss about job, so we met in Japan. I couldn't tell whether it was Tokyo or any part of Japan, but it was in Japan. I was also with Dewi, my old time friend from Junior High School. Then suddenly I was in the middle of some show or something, and the audiences, including me, have to make a mexican wave. But no, it wasn't football match, I'm sure about it.

The Dreams Journal 3:
May 18
I had a very strange dream, again. Strange yet adventurous dream. Once again... I already forgot almost he whole dream. I forgot the occasion, the chronology, and everything.

But I remember I was in some place called Albany or Calgary or something like that. The only Albany I know is the capital of New York, and the only Calgary I know was the capital of Alberta, Canada. But this one place in my dream, that as far as I can remember, is something between Calgary or Albany, was a place somewhere in a city named Coda, that happened to be in Alaska. I don't know, is there any place in Alaska named Coda? The only Coda I know is a character from the animation movie 'Brother Bear'.

The place was snowy. But I didn't feel cold, because it was a dream of course. And I met someone that I met almost every day lately. And that person said, "I've seen your website and your manager on your website, I don't think he's wise enough." What the hell? LOL

Well, actually he said it in Indonesian, but since I wrote here in English... anyway, he used the word that is hardly ever used.

Then I was with Putra. We went home together, as we used to do long time ago. We took a bus or train or something, until the point we've got to walk. Then we had two choices. We have to walk through the underpass, or take the other way that wasn't explained in that dream. Putra said, "We can go through the underpass, but there will be so much #something I can remember# and gas."

So finally we took the other alternative way.

Oh darn, that's all I can remember.

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