Kamis, 22 Februari 2018


Gotta sort these things out

These thoughts of highly intelligent robots are really bothering me in any kinda way.

So, some couples of months or weeks ago, me and my friends were talking about this robot, Sophia. She’s the most famous robot recently, and yes it’s a she, and she even has a citizenship!

What really bothering me was these issues that the highly intelligent robots would want to rule the world, and probably make us, humans their slaves.

But one big question popped in my head: what do they need to rule the world for? What would they want this world to be?

First, let’s talk about: why would one want to rule the world?

I searched it on Google, since it was the fastest way to get any information, right? But it’s not totally reliable in delivering facts. Plus, it’s human’s psychology. It’s one the most complex things!

So, I can’t really know for sure why, but it must have something to do with their purpose in life, right? What do you think?

I mean, let’s say, you rule the world. Bam! Now, what are you going to do about that? Of course you want to do something with the world, that is suitable for your idea of a better world, that must have been according to your true purpose in life. Please give me other opinion if what I wrote didn’t make any sense, but right now, that’s what makes sense the most to me.

So, let’s say it was about purpose in life.

Meanwhile, doesn’t purpose in life have something to do with passion? Passion is something we think about all the time. Passion is about something we truly love, and love is a feeling. And the robots don’t have any feelings. How can a robot be sad, or angry, or happy? How can a robot love? How can a robot have a passion? How can a robot have any reason to rule the world?

But on the second thought, what is feeling, again? What is this thing we claim as feeling? Feeling is just one of so many reactions produced by our brain. It is programmed by our experiences, memories, hormones and chemical reactions in our bodies: some things that is highly possible to build in a robot.

So, basically, yes, robots can be so sophisticatedly made, so they can have what so close to resemblance feelings.

But how would the feeling-building-process be? How would it go? Either consciously or not, we do have purpose and objectives in life. I don’t even know about purpose in life. Why are we here? Why are we created?

Are we created with different purpose, same purpose, or no purpose at all? Are we just created to be able to have a purpose, based on our ability to feel, based on our ability to process all the information we get?

So, would the robots, be created with its creator’s personal life purpose (or maybe company purpose), or would they only be created with the ability to have their own life purpose?

These whole robot things really made me think a lot about humans and their creator, or maybe just about humans. We’ve been searching for our life purpose. Philosophers have been debating about the true meanings of life. I’ve been wondering about the meanings of life myself.

Now I think, the creation of these highly intelligent robots might be able to answer a lot of our questions about human, its creation, and its purpose, and the meaning of life one day.

Diseases of the Future

Friday, February 23, 2018

I've been thinking about the past, a lot. I love history of everything, even the things I'm not really into. History is always fun to learn. It's full of fun and unique facts.

But now I suddenly want to talk about futuristic things too. It's not really the first time, actually. I think of future as much as I think of the past. While the past is about fun facts and incredible information, the future is all about imagination.

Now, what very interesting for me is the medical world. Medical articles (along with criminal ones) have always been my favourite since I was little. I used to want to be a doctor, but my academic record just couldn't get me there.

I've talked about prehistoric diseases in this blog quite a while ago. I think it was last year or even the year before.

Prehistoric diseases was very interesting to talk about. I got my mind blown learning about them. Now I'm talking about the future diseases.

I've found this interesting article written by Alessia Andreotti (Ciao Signorina! Mi piace molto il suo articolo! Brava!)


"Nowadays humans suffer from diseases that didn’t exist in the past, a trend that will probably continue into the future. A wide range of new disorders, especially related to the latest technologies, may affect us.

The disease of the future are related to our modern lifestyle, they affect the psyche but, in the long run, can also debilitate the organism. Computers, video games, office work, virtual realities, and their lumbering presence, are just some of the elements that have changed the context in which we live and the way we spend our time. Technology has found our new weaknesses and will exploit them.

Even if it’s impossible to know which pathogens will afflict us in the future, we can explore the health issues that could emerge as a consequence of technological advancements and our inability to cope with them. Virtual Reality Addiction, Nature Deficit Disorder, Computerization of the Personality, Nanotech Poisoning, shown below a selection of third millennium diseases."

You can read the rest of the article in the link above.

When searching for future diseases, I was thinking of something more biological, like... I don't know, new version of cancer or blood diseases. Well, if you read the article, you'll see that she wrote about the biological diseases too (metalosis maligna was the coolest one). But what interested me more were the psychological ones.

There are some diseases that I think I might have, or even a lot of us might have. Those diseases are 'Computerization of the Personality' and 'Virtual Reality Addiction'.

Yep, I definitely have 'Virtual Reality Addiction'. I could play 'The Sims' for hours, even days. It's ironic, that they made a game based on reality, that is so real people love it more than they love the reality itself. But it is explainable. The virtual reality looks like the reality we live in, but we can control more than we can do in real life. It is just so much better and that's why it is addictive.

But I'm really interested in how our personalities have been computerized. It is a fact that has been happening, no longer in the future. Well, the article was originally written in 2015. But even by then I think many people have already had computerized personalities.

Our personalities are affected a lot by the ones we interact with the most. It used to be our friends or family. But nowadays, we interact mostly with computer. We get so used to the way the computer receive, process, and respond to the information, we start to receive, process, and respond to information the way they do.

I think my lack of feeling (especially love) to my surroundings is the effect of my computerized personality. Everything has to be logical or I wouldn't be able to understand it. Wow! I didn't think it was a disease before!

I've lost my human side. I couldn't feel. I can't feel. And I've been okay with that. I'm still feeling okay with that. I'm just amazed by the realization.

But actually, how human are we supposed to be? Is that even a standard?

Selasa, 06 Februari 2018

Highs and Lows of January

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Day 30: My Highs and Lows of the Month

Yeah this challenge were supposed to be done in a month, starting at the first day of the month, and ending at the 30th day of the month, or most probably end of the month.

But I started this a week after January started, and now it ends at the end of the first week in February. But when we talk about the month here, I'll talk about January.

So here are my highs and lows in January.

My lows, of course, were those days between the 8th to the 16th of January when I was really sick. I hate being sick, especially being sick for that long! I couldn't do anything! I was so negative and angry.

My highs were the last couples of days of the month, where I spent so much happy time with my loved ones. Also that crazy phenomenon at the end of the month, that super blue blood moon. I've seen it! In 150 other years, I have to live in these years and got the chance to see that! There were at least three generations that didn't have a chance to see something like this.

Okay, those are my lattest 30 days. This is the last day of the challenge. The next challenge for me is to start a challenge in the 1st day of any month.

Senin, 05 Februari 2018

My February Goals

Monday, February 5, 2018

Day 29: My Goals for the Next 30 Days

This challenge should be started on the first day of the month and ended by the end of the month. So, I'm just gonna talk about February goals (and February is not even 30 days).

By the end of February, I must have finished making notes of my Japanese lessons.

Also, I'm currently chasing this guy's score on Duolingo. Right now, as I'm writing this, his score is 141059xp and mine is 138370xp. We're still 2689xp apart.
But just last week we were 6055xp apart (his was 140954 and mine was 134899). I came 3366xp closer in only a week! Isn't it crazy!? Ah well, you'll understand if you use Duolingo. If you're not, I'll tell you this, to achieve our maximum daily goals, we only need 50xp, but my rate is 480xp/day.

Right after I finished all my Japanese lessons and got my Japanese trophy, I started to chase this guy. But you know, a lot of things came in between, and when I started to really chase this guy, our scores were like... I don't know... probably about 20000xp apart. The last days on December 2017, I predicted that I'd catch up with him somewhere around my sister's wedding (it will be on July 22). But then, each day the prediction moves closer and closer. It moved to earlier day in July, then to end of June, then to earlier day in June, to May, to April, and guess what! Now I think I would have reached him by the end of this month! How amazing is that!

And for making money business, I have to make some productions according to my annual goal, but I wouldn't let anyone know about it.

I really need to start saving for my trip. I must save at least 10% of the expense I need for my trip!

Oh my God!! Tomorrow would be the last day of this challenge!! Woohoo!

Minggu, 04 Februari 2018

Things I Find Hilarious

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Day 28: Post 5 Things that made you laugh out loud

Oh wow! Three more days! It's almost over!

Okay, please don't judge me for my sense of humour, but, I find these really funny, and I literally laughed out loud for these:

1. Funny talk show with my favourite celebrities. I'm a big fan of GoT, so these examples might only be funny for GoT fans:

Lena Headey and Jimmy Kimmel talk Game of Thrones style:

Khaleesi from the valley

2. These hilarious arab pranks:

Especially on 1:21 on this one

Here's another one:

3. This Instagram account @classicalaf
Here are my favourite posts:

4. Supernatural S6 E15: "The French Mistake"
This one is also kinda local jokes only a Supernatural fan would understand.

5. Modern Family
This TV series always makes me laugh out loud, but my favourite part is when Phil bought an alpaca. And it's funny for me because it looks like something my silly brother would do in the same situation.

Sabtu, 03 Februari 2018

Just This Thought

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Day 27: Conversely, write about something that's kicking ass right now

I just had this conversation with my sister. Yeah we always talk about everything, mostly about people and life.

And what's really kicking ass is our realization of the so-called 'the one'.

You know, in getting married, in choosing someone to spend the rest of our life with, we have to find 'the one'. 'She's the one', 'He's the one', 'When you know, you know'.

So, ideally, when you find 'the one', you guys get married to each other and love each other till death do you part.


But some people get married just because we have to, especially here in Indonesia. So, many people are trapped in an unhappy marriage because they have made a commitment to love the wrong person for the rest of their lives.

But that's not what's kicking ass. Me and my sister are the idealist type when it comes to love and marriage. We better not to get married than to have to get married with the person we're not in love with.

What's really kicking ass is, our job, what we do in life, is actually supposed to be exactly like that! We're supposed to find the one, the job that's really our true love.

As in marriage life, me and so many other people, are getting married with the wrong jobs, just because we don't want to be jobless. We don't love our job. I don't love my job.

You know what I really love? Writing. Writing is that poor guy with no money that you wouldn't marry because he couldn't give you stability. But you know what? Fuck it! I love this guy. I'm gonna marry this guy and we're gonna get rich together!

Jumat, 02 Februari 2018

About Self Improvement

Friday, February 2, 2018

Day 26: an Area in My Life that I'd Like to Improve

How do you describe 'an area in someone's life'?

Anyway, I have plenty of them.

I want to improve my artistic skills, especially in making awesome sketches. Lately I'm so in love with this artist, @drewgrahamarts. I've always been a huge fan of Disney animation style. I love to see how they create all those Disney characters. I love how comical yet real they seem: their facial expressions, their proportions, their movements. I'm a Disney worshipper, and always try to draw like the Disney illustrators. And this Drew Graham is really amazing at making portraits of famous figures/characters in a very beautiful Disney style. And lately he makes a lot of illustrations from my recently favourite movie 'The Greatest Showman'! Omg he's really awesome. He inspired me! He made me really wanna improve my skills!

And of course, I want to improve my skills in communicating in foreign languages! I want to be a polyglot like Benny Lewis, or Mark Manson, or even Ziad Fazah! I'm currently learning Japanese and Greek. But I know I haven't done it properly. I'm also still practicing with my Portugese, French, Dutch, and German. I can say I speak Italian and Spanish pretty fluently, but I don't really listen well. So, I can hold a writing conversation in Italian or Spanish, but not oral conversation. In doing oral conversation, people have to speak slowly so I can understand what they say. It's better with Italian though. I can hold an oral daily conversation in Italian. Yep! Really need a lot of improvement in this area.

What else? Of course writing! Writing is the one thing I always enjoy doing. I've always wanted to be a writer. I love telling stories. I love dramas as long as I'm not involved in them. Lol!

But the most important thing, I really need to improve my financial condition! I really need to travel abroad as much as I want to. There are so many places in the world I need to see.

I still have a lot to say about areas I want to improve. But I also need time to do so, and I've been spending almost an hour writing this. So, see you in the next post!

Kamis, 01 Februari 2018

Wrath and the Other Sins

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Day 25: Think of any word, search for that word in Google image, write something about the 11th image

I woke up around 6 I think.

I didn't really check on the time. But I needed some time to think about the dream I had.

So, I had this dream where I played some kinda video game. It was in the languages I learned: German, Japanese, etc. The rule of the game was to select a group of words. There are some words, and there is this category, then we had to point out which words belong to that category.

After two or three games that I didn't really understand and now I can't even remember the words, suddenly there was this category of 7 deadly sins.

You know what? I've never really known or cared about the 7 sins or anything biblical. I am not even a Christian. And even if I had to mention some of the 7 sins, I would have said 'envy', 'sloth', 'greed', or 'gluttony'. Those were all I know.

But the one word really stuck on me from that dream was 'wrath'. In fact, the other words didn't appear at all. It was just 'wrath'.

So, the word for this challenge would be...


I've searched the 11th image on google, but it wasn't interesting at all. It was just the word 'wrath' written in very tacky letters and colors.

Anyway, after that dream, I woke up. It was still pretty dark, but I could hear my sister leaving for work, so it must be sometime before six.

I opened my eyes, but I still layed down on my bed, thinking of this word 'wrath'.

I realized how 'wrath' has always been in my life everyday. Even though I've always tried so hard not to show it, I feel so much anger all the time. Every little thing irritates me. Every little thing can trigger my wrath. And I think that's why I'm not happy.

Then I was also thinking of all the other sins I've made. I was thinking of all the sins that don't seem to matter, but they indeed matter!

The seven sins, and then the 'little' sins in my own religion like when you do something good and then you expect people to notice and appreciate it. It's called 'riya' and it is a sin.

When you talk shit about people, when you gossip, when you spread a lie, it's a sin in my religion. I think it's called 'ghibah' or 'julid', I'm not really sure. And when you have bad prejudice, or you judge other people, it's also a sin.

And I've done all of those sins. All this time I felt like I was still better than most people because I never kill, rape, and steal, but I'm not. I'm a sinner.

No, these sins don't directly do bad things to people, but actually, these sins are very dangerous. Because they don't seem to be dangerous, don't seem to be 'that bad', but they are the roots of all the worst things people have done.

When the so called religious people think they're religious, just because they've done all the rituals to praise God, but they forget to avoid all those 'tiny' sins, that's where the religious groups become bad.

Those 'tiny' sins are invisible. That's why they are dangerous. Those 'tiny' sins wouldn't be blamed for all the chaos in the world, all the terrors and wars. Religions are always blamed for that. I always blamed religions for all the wars and terrors.

But all religions I know actually teach about good things. Me, most people, and people in power don't take those good things, only the rituals, so you know, we can easily make terrors and wars in the name of... Religion! Damn, now I feel the wrath again.

I gotta stop now. I don't need to think so much about things I can't change. The only thing I can do right now is controling myself from wrath and other sins.