Kamis, 22 Februari 2018


Gotta sort these things out

These thoughts of highly intelligent robots are really bothering me in any kinda way.

So, some couples of months or weeks ago, me and my friends were talking about this robot, Sophia. She’s the most famous robot recently, and yes it’s a she, and she even has a citizenship!

What really bothering me was these issues that the highly intelligent robots would want to rule the world, and probably make us, humans their slaves.

But one big question popped in my head: what do they need to rule the world for? What would they want this world to be?

First, let’s talk about: why would one want to rule the world?

I searched it on Google, since it was the fastest way to get any information, right? But it’s not totally reliable in delivering facts. Plus, it’s human’s psychology. It’s one the most complex things!

So, I can’t really know for sure why, but it must have something to do with their purpose in life, right? What do you think?

I mean, let’s say, you rule the world. Bam! Now, what are you going to do about that? Of course you want to do something with the world, that is suitable for your idea of a better world, that must have been according to your true purpose in life. Please give me other opinion if what I wrote didn’t make any sense, but right now, that’s what makes sense the most to me.

So, let’s say it was about purpose in life.

Meanwhile, doesn’t purpose in life have something to do with passion? Passion is something we think about all the time. Passion is about something we truly love, and love is a feeling. And the robots don’t have any feelings. How can a robot be sad, or angry, or happy? How can a robot love? How can a robot have a passion? How can a robot have any reason to rule the world?

But on the second thought, what is feeling, again? What is this thing we claim as feeling? Feeling is just one of so many reactions produced by our brain. It is programmed by our experiences, memories, hormones and chemical reactions in our bodies: some things that is highly possible to build in a robot.

So, basically, yes, robots can be so sophisticatedly made, so they can have what so close to resemblance feelings.

But how would the feeling-building-process be? How would it go? Either consciously or not, we do have purpose and objectives in life. I don’t even know about purpose in life. Why are we here? Why are we created?

Are we created with different purpose, same purpose, or no purpose at all? Are we just created to be able to have a purpose, based on our ability to feel, based on our ability to process all the information we get?

So, would the robots, be created with its creator’s personal life purpose (or maybe company purpose), or would they only be created with the ability to have their own life purpose?

These whole robot things really made me think a lot about humans and their creator, or maybe just about humans. We’ve been searching for our life purpose. Philosophers have been debating about the true meanings of life. I’ve been wondering about the meanings of life myself.

Now I think, the creation of these highly intelligent robots might be able to answer a lot of our questions about human, its creation, and its purpose, and the meaning of life one day.

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