Rabu, 25 Januari 2012

Perfect Weekend

Saturday, January 21, 2012

I spent my Saturday night with Bapak and Deany. We went to Pondok Indah Mall to watch ‘Iron Lady’. It’s not the sequel of ‘Iron Man’ of course. I’m joking. I know you all know the Iron Lady Margareth Tatcher. She’s the first woman prime minister in Europe. As a feminist, I usually adore that kinda person. But I hate her because she’s a capitalist monster, and under her rule, England took Malvinas, or Falkland, from Argentina.
Well, she’s not a bad person. There are no such thing as villain and victim in politic and war. There are only sides: our country or the enemies’ country, our ideology or their ideology, the winner or the one who lost the war. In this case, I’m on Argentina’s side, since I’m a big fan of that country, and between the capitalists and the socialists, I’m always on the socialist side. And by the way, the islands were in Argentina territory. What the hell are the British doin there?

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