Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

Start the Routine all over again

Monday, January 2, 2012

Ah! Monday! Time to start all the weekly routine....

I was supposed to wake up at 5 (am of course), pray, then do the yoga practice, take Bulbul for a walk, and practice football until 7 am. But I woke up late. I woke up at 6. Still, I prayed, I did the yoga practice, took Bulbul for a walk, and had to cut the football practice just to save the time. I cooked the rice and prepared Bulbul's breakfast.

When I finished with my morning routine, Adrian woke up. Well, I guess he might have been awake earlier. We went to find some breakfast.

So here's the thing.
I have total 10 blogs here. This one, 'Astari Pahlevi's Diary', and 9 other blogs such as 'Everything about Astari Pahlevi', 'Created by Astari Pahlevi', 'Ronaldo Brazil is the Real Ronaldo', 'Celebrity-Related', 'Mathematic Freak', 'Portfolio', 'Tulisan-tulisanku di Masa Muda', 'Art of Backstabbing', and 'Self-Loving Theory'.

Some of my blogs are really neglected. Even, everytime I had new blog, I would almost forget about the rest. So it's like I don't have fixed time to update my blogs. So this year I've made a system.

I'll write 'Astari Pahlevi's Diary' everyday. That's for sure.

I'll post some artworks in 'Portfolio' at least once a month, every Saturday, everytime I made good artworks on the Friday before it.

I'll do 'Everything about Astari Pahlevi' and 'Mathematic Freak' every first Friday of the month.

I'll do 'Created by Astari Pahlevi' and 'Ronaldo Brazil is the Real Ronaldo' every second Friday of the month.

I'll do 'Celebrity-Related' and 'Art of Backstabbing' every third Friday of the month.

I'll take a break every fourth and fifth Friday of the month. The other two blogs, 'Tulisan-tulisanku di Masa Muda' and 'Self-Loving Theory' don't need to be updated.

So... enjoy!

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