Sunday, January 28, 2018
Day 21: What 3 Lessons Do You Want Your Children Learn from You?
First: "Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgement."
Second: "A man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man."
Third: "Never tell anyone outside the family what you are thinking again."
Okay that's not really original. Just in case you didn't notice, that's what Don Vito Corleone taught his children.
What should I say? I don't even wanna have any children, not biological children at least. You know what they say about dogs? "Adopt, don't buy."
I 100% agree with that. So here's what I say about kids: "Adopt, don't breed."
I mean, there are already too many babies in the world, and a lot of them are orphans. Why cook more food when we already have so much in the fridge?
So, since my children would be adopted, the first lesson would be, "You're adopted. There's nothing wrong with that. Don't be such a drama queen about that."
Then there are these 3 most important lessons.
If I taught these lessons, I wouldn't walk the talk, because right now I'm really struggling to walk these words. But anyway, I'd love to share these ideas of ideal life.
1. Love the earth, the animals, and the environment
Love the earth, respect its beautiful nature, because so far, earth is the only planet we can live in. We've got no choice but keeping it alive!
Minimize the use of electricity, air conditioner, water, and gas. Recycle the non-organic wastes. Make use of the organic wastes. Use eco-friendly products and make sure they are really eco-friendly. Use solar panel or any other alternative energy that is more eco-friendly. Plant trees as much as possible.
Protect the animals. You don't have to be a vegan. I mean, all those tree lovers still eat vegies, don't they? I'm still gonna be proud if you became a vegan, as long as you didn't force other people to be vegan.
But there's a lot you can do without being vegan. Don't torture animals. If you have to kill it for food or self-defense, do it quick and don't let them be in pain. Do whatever you can to stop animal cruelty. Save the strayed or injured animals. Respect them. Before we were here, they were here first. We're the strongest and smartest animals so far, so it's our duty to protect the weak ones.
2. Keep an open mind
There's no absolute truth unless it's scientifically proven. We don't know anything about the unproven things. And even 'proves' are not always really proven. Keep learning about everything. Explore this world. Discover new ideas and theories. You can create yours too.
Keep learning. The moment you start thinking that you are smart, you start thinking that you can stop learning, and that's when you're getting dumb.
Live the way you believe, but let others do theirs, even if it was so different from yours. Respect any opinion, no matter how idiotic it sounds.
3. Be healthy
Be healthy, mentally and physically. Health is everything. Yes you can still die from accidents, but so can the unhealthy ones.
If you're healthy, you'll have more time and energy to do whatever you need to do, whatever you want to do.
Eat enough vegetable, fruit, proteins, vitamin, do physical exercise everyday, don't smoke, don't use any drugs, even for medication if possible, stay natural, wash your hands, brush your teeth, stay hygiene, and do everything to keep you healthy.
You can still be sick, but at least you minimize the chance.
Oh, and have enough health, critical illness, accidents, and life insurance! Because the risk will still be there, and trust me, you don't wanna be poor when it comes.
Be ready for everything!
Okay, there are the three important lessons I'd teach my children or any children.
Day 21: What 3 Lessons Do You Want Your Children Learn from You?
First: "Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgement."
Second: "A man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man."
Third: "Never tell anyone outside the family what you are thinking again."
Okay that's not really original. Just in case you didn't notice, that's what Don Vito Corleone taught his children.
What should I say? I don't even wanna have any children, not biological children at least. You know what they say about dogs? "Adopt, don't buy."
I 100% agree with that. So here's what I say about kids: "Adopt, don't breed."
I mean, there are already too many babies in the world, and a lot of them are orphans. Why cook more food when we already have so much in the fridge?
So, since my children would be adopted, the first lesson would be, "You're adopted. There's nothing wrong with that. Don't be such a drama queen about that."
Then there are these 3 most important lessons.
If I taught these lessons, I wouldn't walk the talk, because right now I'm really struggling to walk these words. But anyway, I'd love to share these ideas of ideal life.
1. Love the earth, the animals, and the environment
Love the earth, respect its beautiful nature, because so far, earth is the only planet we can live in. We've got no choice but keeping it alive!
Minimize the use of electricity, air conditioner, water, and gas. Recycle the non-organic wastes. Make use of the organic wastes. Use eco-friendly products and make sure they are really eco-friendly. Use solar panel or any other alternative energy that is more eco-friendly. Plant trees as much as possible.
Protect the animals. You don't have to be a vegan. I mean, all those tree lovers still eat vegies, don't they? I'm still gonna be proud if you became a vegan, as long as you didn't force other people to be vegan.
But there's a lot you can do without being vegan. Don't torture animals. If you have to kill it for food or self-defense, do it quick and don't let them be in pain. Do whatever you can to stop animal cruelty. Save the strayed or injured animals. Respect them. Before we were here, they were here first. We're the strongest and smartest animals so far, so it's our duty to protect the weak ones.
2. Keep an open mind
There's no absolute truth unless it's scientifically proven. We don't know anything about the unproven things. And even 'proves' are not always really proven. Keep learning about everything. Explore this world. Discover new ideas and theories. You can create yours too.
Keep learning. The moment you start thinking that you are smart, you start thinking that you can stop learning, and that's when you're getting dumb.
Live the way you believe, but let others do theirs, even if it was so different from yours. Respect any opinion, no matter how idiotic it sounds.
3. Be healthy
Be healthy, mentally and physically. Health is everything. Yes you can still die from accidents, but so can the unhealthy ones.
If you're healthy, you'll have more time and energy to do whatever you need to do, whatever you want to do.
Eat enough vegetable, fruit, proteins, vitamin, do physical exercise everyday, don't smoke, don't use any drugs, even for medication if possible, stay natural, wash your hands, brush your teeth, stay hygiene, and do everything to keep you healthy.
You can still be sick, but at least you minimize the chance.
Oh, and have enough health, critical illness, accidents, and life insurance! Because the risk will still be there, and trust me, you don't wanna be poor when it comes.
Be ready for everything!
Okay, there are the three important lessons I'd teach my children or any children.
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