Rabu, 18 Januari 2017

Keel's Diary

Very late post

(Written on) Friday, January 13, 2017

So I finally decided to clean up my room. Of course I didn't really finish cleaning up my room, but, as always, I found interesting stuffs!

I found this "Keel's Simple Diary". What an awesome book! I totally forgot who gave me that book, or where, when, and how did I get such an awesome book! How could I not notice that I've been keeping such cool book in my room? How could I forget that I have that book?

Seriously, I can't remember anything about how the book can end up in my room. Is that even mine?

Anyway, what's so special about the book? Well, it's a kinda interactive book that helps you to write your diary every day. It asks you question about your day, gives you daily quote/fact/tips, and then talks about random things. It's just like... you're talking to your best friend.

As for today, the book asks me whether my day was 'mute', 'state of the art', or 'a pursuit'. Well, my day was... a pursuit. Why? Unfortunately I can't tell you why, because I can't let certain people to know. Point is, today I have a mission, and that mission has been accomplished!

And the quote/fact/tips of the day is: "A conventional man can be the best father." Can. Not always. My father is a very conventional man, and he's been the best father for me. But, generally, I hate conventional men! I hate anything conventional. I hate conventional life, conventional values, and conventional mindset. Most of conventional things are either boring, stupid, or meaningless.

Luckily, I'm not planning to have any children, ever. So I won't need any conventional man to father any children.

And then, they have these words that I have to match with another word (preferably with a noun):
Rabbit:  overrated                                                         Hobby: football
Doctor: Grey’s                                                               Feelings: anxiety
Waitress: job                                                                  Weather: mood
Dictator: me                                                                   Food: life
Drugs: shits                                                                     Energy: sun
Money: happiness                                                        Rules: Led Zeppelin

And I also made Day 1 in Italian and Spanish.

Il Diario Semplice di Keel: Giorno 1

Data: venerdi, 13 gennaio, 2017
Il tuo giorno era (scegli solo uno): ( ) muto              ( ) all’avantguardia           (v) una ricerca
Spiega perchè:
Fortunatamente, oggi era una ricerca, perchè oggi, ho lavorato duro per finire tutti sulla mia lista delle cose da fare.

“Un uomo convenzionale può essere un padre migliore.”

Mio padre è un uomo molto convenzionale. Per me, lui è il padre migliore. Ma, odio gli uomini convenzionali (tranne mio padre, ovviamente). Odio qualsiasi di convenzionale. Fortunatamente, non avro bambini, ben non avro bisogno di alcun uomini da essere padre di alcun bambini.

Abbina i seguenti con altre parole (preferibilmente con un nome):
Coniglio: sopravvalutato                                            Passatempo: calcio
Dottore: Grey’s                                                             Sentimenti: ansia
Cameriera: lavoro                                                         Tempo (weather): umore
Dittatore: io                                                                    Cibo: vità
Farmaci: merda                                                             Energia: sole
Denaro: felicità                                                              Regole: Led Zeppelin

El Diario Sencillo de Keel: Día 1

Fecha: viernes, 13 enero, 2017
Su día era (elige solo uno): ( ) mudo           ( ) lo último         (v) una búsqueda
Explicar por qué:
Por suerte, hoy era una búsqueda, porqué hoy, he trabajado duro para terminar todos tengo en la lista de quehaceres.

“Un hombre convencional puede ser un mejor padre.”

Mi padre es un hombre muy convencional. Para mi, él es el mejor padre. Pero, odio los hombres convencionales (excepto mi padre, por supuesto). Odio cualquier cosa convencional. Por suerte, no tendré hijos. Asi que, no necesitaré ningún hombre para ser padre por ningún hijo.

Relacionar las siguientes con otras palabras (preferiblemente con un sustantivo):
Conejo: sobrevalorar                                                   Pasatiempo: fútbol
Doctor: Grey’s                                                               Sentimientos: ansiedad
Camarera: trabajo                                                        Clima: humor
Dictador: yo                                                                   Comida: vida
Drogas: mierda                                                              Energía: sol

Dinero: felicidad                                                            Reglas: Led Zeppelin

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